Søknadsfrist: snarast
Tilsetjingsform: Fast frå 1. oktober 2024
Me treng ein dyktig, kreativ, leiken og ambisiøs kjøkkensjef som saman med leiarteamet skal være med å vidareutvikle ELVA til ei matoppleving utanom det vanlege. Du vil få mykje friheit til å utvikle konsept og meny. Du er lidenskapeleg oppteken av lokale råvarer, og har eit genuint ynskje om å utvikle gode, nye smakar. Du likar å by på deg sjølv og er ikkje framand for å presentere og servera dine eigne rettar til gjestane i restauranten.
Dine arbeidsoppgåver:
  • Kreativ meny- og konseptutvikling med fokus på lokale råvarer og sesongvariasjon
  • Ansvar for dagleg drift og strategisk utvikling av kjøkkenet
  • Bemanning og planlegging av vaktlister
  • Ansvar for lagerkontroll, budsjett, innkjøp, og vareteljing
  • Planlegging av mat knytt til arrangement og aktivitetar
  • IK mat/internkontroll
  • Kvalitetssikring av produksjon og service
  • Fokus på berekraft i alle led
Personlege eigenskapar og kvalifikasjonar:
  • Fagbrev som kokk
  • Erfaring med nordisk/skandinavisk kjøkken
  • Resultat frå tidlegare stillingar
  • Du snakkar helst eit skandinavisk språk og har gode engelskkunnskapar
  • Du er positiv og sjølvgåande
  • Du motiverer og inspirerer dine medarbeidarar
  • At du er ein framifrå kokk er det aller viktigaste for oss
Me tilbyr:
  • Kreativt og nyskapande arbeidsmiljø
  • Moglegheit til å sette sitt namn og ELVA på kartet
  • Sentral rolle i utviklinga av hotell- og restaurant konsept
  • Fagleg utvikling
  • Spanande samarbeid med lokale produsentar
  • Løn etter avtale


Application deadline: As soon as possible

Position: Seasonal

Can lead to full-time position.

We need a skilled and ambitious waiter for our established cafe and in the brand new restaurant.

Duties include:
  • Serving lunch and beverages in the cafe and dinner in the Elva Restaurant, which includes serving 7-course “Fine Dining”.
  • Bartender.
  • Daily operation and strategic development of Elva Hotel & Restaurant.
Required skills and qualifications:
  • A vocational certificate as a waiter is a big advantage.
  • Experience with restaurant and bar management.
  • Good Knowledge of wine, beer, cider and preferably cocktails.
  • Performance results from previous positions.
  • Competent English skills.
  • Positive, passionate, and self-motivated.
  • Are motivational and inspire your employees.
We offer:
  • Creative and innovative work environment.
  • Opportunity to put your name and ELVA on the map.
  • Professional development.
  • An exciting collaboration with local producers.
  • Competitive Salary.


Application dealine: Soon as possible

Position: Full time

We are in need of a skilled, creative, and ambitious waiter/waitress who, together with the head chef, will contribute to developing ELVA into a culinary experience beyond the ordinary. You are passionately dedicated to providing excellent service, have a deep appreciation for food and beverages, and excel in creating a positive atmosphere. You enjoy engaging with guests, and you are not hesitant to share compelling stories about the food and drinks served in the restaurant.

Duties include:
  • Responsibility for training and management of waiters and bartenders
  • Responsibility for routines for presentation and service in the restaurant and conference rooms
  • Planning of work schedules
  • Inventory control, purchasing, and stocktaking for beverages
  • Internal Routines/Food Safety Management
  • Focus on sustainability at every level
Required Qualifications & Personal characteristics:
  • We require that you have prior experience working as a waiter in Norway and have a valid work permit.
  • A vocational certificate as a waiter is desirable.
  • Experience with Nordic/Scandinavian cuisine.
  • Results from previous positions in Norway.
  • Preferably, you speak a Scandinavian language and have good English skills.
  • You are positive and self-motivated with a high work capacity.
  • You motivate and inspire your colleagues.
We offer:
  • Creative and innovative work environment.
  • Opportunity to make a mark with your name and contribute to ELVA’s recognition.
  • A central role in the development of the hotel and restaurant concept.
  • Professional development within Fine Dining.
  • Salary according to a tariff.
  • Permanent position.
  • Reasonably-priced housing is available in staff accommodation right by Elva Hotel, if desired.


Application deadline: As soon as possible

Position: Full-time

Me treng ein dyktig, kreativ og ambisiøs servitør som saman med kjøkkensjefen skal være med å utvikle ELVA til ei matoppleving utanom det vanlege. Du er lidenskapeleg oppteken av god service, mat og drikke og å skape god stemning. Du likar å by på deg sjølv og er ikkje framand for å presentere gode historier om maten og drikka som blir servert dine gjestar i restauranten.
Duties include:
  • Daily cleaning of our 14 hotel rooms and common areas
  • Follow up inventory and other details in the rooms
  • Report deviations
Required Qualifications & Personal characteristics:
  • Working experience as a housekeeper/cleaning
  • Working fast and precisely
  • Professional pride
  • An eye for details
  • Tidy and structured
  • Team player
We offer:
  • Creative and innovative work environment at a brand new design hotel
  • Option for cheap accommodation near the hotel
  • Opportunity to put your name and ELVA on the map
  • Professional development
  • A great opportunity to explore the amazing area of Voss
  • Staff can try all Voss Actives activities during the season
  • Competitive salary.


Application deadline: 11.04.23

Position: Full-time from 2nd May 2023

We are looking for a skilled, creative, and ambitious waiter who, together with the Head Chef, shall help develop ELVA into a food experience out of the ordinary. You are passionate about good service, fine food and drink, and creating a great atmosphere. You like to offer yourself and are no stranger to presenting background stories about the food and beverages that are served to your yearning guests.
Duties include:
  • Creative concept development with a focus on local ingredients and seasonal variation.
  • Daily operation and strategic development of the restaurant and bar.
  • Inventory control and purchasing
  • Planning of beverages related to events and activities.
  • Following and developing hygiene procedures.
  • Focus on sustainability throughout.
Required skills and qualifications:
  • Vocational certificate as a waiter.
  • Experience with restaurant and bar management.
  • Extensive knowledge of wine, beer, cider, and preferably cocktails.
  • Performance results from previous positions.
  • Preferably speak a Scandinavian language and are fluent in English.
  • Positive, passionate, and self-motivated.
  • Are motivational and inspire your employees.
We offer:
  • Creative and innovative work environment.
  • Opportunity to put your name and ELVA on the map.
  • A central role in the development of the hotel and restaurant concept.
  • Professional development.
  • An exciting collaboration with local producers.
  • Competitive Salary.


Application deadline: 11.04.2023

Position: Seasonal from 1. June 2023

We require a chef who, together with the kitchen team, can help prepare amazing food for our guests.

Duties include:
  • Prepare and serve lunch in the cafe with a focus on local ingredients and seasonal variation.
  • Periodically be with the team at Elva Restaurant.
  • Daily operation and strategic development of the kitchen.
  • Inventory control and purchasing.
  • Planning food related to events and activities.
  • Following and developing hygiene procedures
  • Focus on sustainability throughout.
Required skills and qualifications:
  • Professional qualification as a chef is desirable, but most importantly, you thrive cooking and providing good service.
  • Experience with Nordic/Scandinavian cuisine.
    Performance results from previous positions.
  • Competent English skills.
    Positive, passionate, and self-motivated.
  • Are motivational and inspire your employees.
We offer:
  • Creative and innovative work environment.
  • Opportunity to put your name and ELVA on the map.
  • A central role in the development of the hotel and restaurant concept.
  • Professional development.
  • An exciting collaboration with local producers.
  • Competitive Salary.


Application deadline: 25.04.2023

Position: Full time from 5th June 2023

We are looking for friendly employees to serve breakfast in the Elva Hotel, in combination with cleaning hotel rooms and the common areas.

Working hours: Preparing and serving breakfast from approx. 07.30 to 10.00, then cleaning the kitchen, cleaning of rooms, and common areas until about 4 pm.

Duties include:
  • Prepare and serve a scrumptious breakfast following the training from our chef.
  • Clearing and cleaning the restaurant and kitchen after breakfast.
  • Housekeeping for the hotel and rooms.
  • Help develop cleaning routines together with our hotel manager.
Required skills and qualifications:
  • Polite and conscientious.
  • Experience and results from previous positions.
  • Competent English skills.
  • Positive, passionate, and self-motivated.
  • Are motivational and inspire your employees.
We offer:
  • Creative and innovative work environment.
  • Staff can try all Voss Actives activities during the season.
  • Option for cheap accommodation near the hotel.
  • Opportunity to put your name and ELVA on the map.
  • A great opportunity to explore the amazing area of Voss.
  • Professional development.
  • Competitive salary.

Application info:

Stilling: kokk

Søknadsfrist: 16.01.2023
Tilsetjingsform: Fast frå 2. mai 2023
Me treng ein dyktig, kreativ og ambisiøs kokk som saman med kjøkkensjefen skal være med å utvikle ELVA til ei matoppleving utanom det vanlege. Du er lidenskapeleg oppteken av lokale råvarer, og har eit genuint ynskje om å utvikle gode, nye smakar. Du likar å by på deg sjølv og er ikkje framand for å presentere og servera dine eigne rettar til gjestane i restauranten.
Dine arbeidsoppgåver:
  • Kreativ meny- og konseptutvikling med fokus på lokale råvarer og sesongvariasjon
  • Dagleg drift og strategisk utvikling av kjøkkenet
  • Lagerkontroll, innkjøp, og vareteljing
  • Planlegging av mat knytt til arrangement og aktivitetar
  • IK mat/internkontroll
  • Fokus på berekraft i alle ledd
Personlege eigenskapar og kvalifikasjonar:
  • Fagbrev som kokk
  • Erfaring med nordisk/skandinavisk kjøkken
  • Resultat frå tidlegare stillingar
  • Du har gode engelskkunnskapar
  • Du er positiv og sjølvgåande
  • Du motiverer og inspirerer dine medarbeidarar
  • At du er ein framifrå kokk er det aller viktigaste for oss
Me tilbyr:
  • Kreativt og nyskapande arbeidsmiljø
  • Moglegheit til å sette sitt namn og ELVA på kartet
  • Sentral rolle i utviklinga av hotell- og restaurant konsept
  • Fagleg utvikling
  • Spanande samarbeid med lokale produsentar
  • Løn etter avtale

About the Elva Hotel

A new design hotel has been established in Voss. Voss Active can now offer a comprehensive package that combines extreme sports and nature experiences with spectacular accommodation and a rich culinary culture. A sustainable design hotel, powered by solar energy, geothermal heating, and environmentally friendly materials, is ready to welcome guests from both domestic and international locations – guests seeking to experience something truly special.

Voss is situated in the heart of a bountiful food source! We can harvest from the surrounding nature and are surrounded by excellent producers with whom we aim to maintain a close and collaborative relationship. This is something we wish to share with our guests.

Voss Active is one of the largest activity companies in Norway and has been organizing experiences for tourists, groups, and companies for 25 years. We have around 60 employees, collectively constituting 20 full-time positions. The company is well-managed and continually expanding.

Can you do magic with ingredients? Are you obsessed with quality, service, and fine dining? Do you want to put Voss on the global food map?

ELVA Hotel is located on the water’s edge, with fantastic views and unique Nordic design.
Our goal is to offer and exclusive experience from top to bottom, we want to surprise our guests and deliver high-quality experiences.

Send Application with:

  • Complete CV.
  • Application letter in which you introduce yourself and describe why you are the right person for this job.
  • References and other information you think is of interest.
  • Termination conditions of your current position.

Send a complete application via Email to Frode Solbakk